Published the 05/07/2024
[Conference] NeuralNet Meeting 2024 - Nov. 13/15 - Saclay
Published the 04/07/2024
[Conference] IFM Colloquium 2024 « Signal and Circuits for Motivation and Movement”
Published the 24/06/2024
[Save the Date] Calendar of future Calls for Projects
Published the 04/06/2024
[Seminar] Paris Brain Institute Platform Day, July 2, 2024
Published the 03/05/2024
[Conferences] Conferences at the Institut du Fer à Moulin
Published the 03/05/2024
[Workshop] Maturation and plasticity in biological and artificial networks - from 21 to 25 October 2024
Published the 09/04/2024
[Call for projects FEDER] Research platforms - SESAME FEDER Île de France Region
Published the 05/04/2024
[Call for volunteers] Annual Day Committee
Published the 06/03/2024
[Semaine du Cerveau] Film-debate "Communication other than by sound", Cinéma Les Écoles, Wednesday March 14, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Published the 29/01/2024
[SAVE THE DATE] 26 and 27 February 2024 - DIM C-BRAINS annual conference - Beffroi de Montrouge - Program online !
Published the 22/01/2024
[SAVE THE DATE] Call for Equipment Projects - Closure date: 26 January 2024.
Closure date: 26 January 2024.
Published the 09/01/2024
[SAVE THE DATE] Call for Scientific Events - Closing date 26 January 2024
Closing date: 26 January 2024
Published the 20/12/2023
[Conference] From Stem Cells to Organoids to Assembloids and Towards Buildings Human Circuits in Living Systems to Study Disease by professor Sergio Pasca - January, 31 2024
Organized by the Paris Brain Institute
Published the 20/12/2023
[Save the date] Paris Region PhD 2024 - deadline : 12 mars 2024
Published the 14/12/2023
[Equipment] A bidirectional biphoton microscope at the 'Institut des neurosciences Paris-Saclay
Published the 21/11/2023
[Conference] NeuroDevRob23: NeuroAI and Developmental Robotics: language, cognition, and development
Organized by ENSEA
Published the 17/11/2023
[Conference] Scientific day - hiPS and organoids models - December 18, 2023
Organized by IBPS and IFM
Published the 07/11/2023
[SAVE THE DATE] Student applications now open for the international PhD program
Closing date: 29 January 2024
Published the 07/11/2023
[Conference] Symposium on cortical and spinal organoids - January 29, 2024
Organised by the enSCORE platform (IJM, EDC, Labex "Who Am I?" and the DIM C-BRAINS
Published the 23/06/2023 by Sarah Moumni
The DIM C-BRAINS joins the ALBA charter
Published the 22/06/2023 by Sarah Moumni
PhD Program International : jury results
Published the 22/06/2023 by Sarah Moumni
Appel à projet Equipement 2022-2023 : résultats
Published the 16/06/2023 by Sarah Moumni
L'École de Printemps en imagerie et électro-physiologie - Paris Spring School 2023 : feedback
Published the 22/05/2023 by Sarah Moumni
Journée C-BRAINS Cognition humaine et animale en environnement réel et virtuel le 08 juin 2023 : feedback
Published the 22/05/2023 by Sarah Moumni
Prix scientifiques 2023 - Fondation Pour l'Audition
Published the 16/05/2023 by Sarah Moumni
Le projet Brain & Mind lauréat de l’appel à projets Biocluster – France 2030
Published the 02/03/2023
Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt Brain-STORM
Published the 13/02/2023
Prolongation deadline Appel à Projet Équipement : 17 février 2023
Published the 31/01/2023
Semaine du Cerveau : Livre-débat avec Mathias Pessiglione sur le thème "Le cerveau a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas"
Published the 26/01/2023
Candidatures étudiantes pour le PhD program du 16 janvier au 3 mars 2023
Published the 23/01/2023
Conférence-débat animée par Étienne Klein, ouverte à tous
Published the 05/01/2023
Journée d'inauguration du DIM C-BRAINS le 8 février 2023
Ouverture des inscriptions
Published the 03/01/2023
Paris Région PhD 2023 Prolongation jusqu'au 17 avril 2023
Published the 15/12/2022
Call for equipment projects, 2022-2023 edition
Appel à projet Équipement
Published the 15/12/2022
Appel à volontaires jury PhD Program 2022-23
Vous souhaitez participer ?
Published the 15/12/2022
Clôture du dépôt des sujets de thèses pour le PhD Program le 10/01/2023
Clôture le 10/01/2023
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