Glutamate Receptors and Excitatory Synapses

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle
Our work aims at deciphering the complexity of neuronal communication. We are also attempting to translate information about the regulation of receptor and synapse function into the design of novel precision therapeutic strategies.
Team research topics:
Our team is interested in studying the molecular and cellular principles underlying neurotransmission under normal and pathological conditions. Our research focuses primarily on chemical synapses and ionotropic glutamate receptors, channel receptors that provide a key component of fast neurotransmission in the CNS and are essential mediators of synaptic plasticity.
These receptors are also prime therapeutic targets, as alterations in their function are major risk factors in many human neurodevelopmental disorders. Our team's studies cover aspects ranging from structural and allosteric receptor mechanisms to subunit-specific pharmacology, regulation of synaptic receptor dynamics, molecular evolution and the impact of receptor signaling diversity on neuronal circuit function and behavior.
Main techniques used:
Our multi-scale approach covers fields ranging from molecular and cellular neuroscience to protein engineering, molecular phylogeny, receptor biophysics, synaptic physiology, super-resolution cellular imaging (PALM, STORM), optogenetics, optopharmacology and behavior.
46 Rue d'Ulm, 75005, Paris
Team leader :
Pierre Paoletti
Name of co-team leader :
Administrative Contact Name :
Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Neurone #Synapse #Récepteur #Imagerie #Cellulaire #Optopharmacologie #Neuron #Synapse #Receptor #Cellular #Imaging #Optopharmacology