Vulnerability of psychiatric and addictive disorders


Axe 1 : Génomique, cellules humaines, reprogrammation et neuro-organoïdes

The aim of our works is to identify biomarkers of diagnosis and prognosis of addictions and in particular anorexia nervosa in order to propose the most adapted care to patients and to develop novel treatments.

We are specialized in genetic and phenotypic vulnerability of addictive & behavior disorders, focused on reward process. Behavioral addictive disorders are protected from the toxic effect of a drug of abuse, the differences we find have therefore more chances to be related to the addictive process than to a consequence of a toxic molecule such as alcohol. We have access to the French psychiatric department CMME for patients and we use translational models (mice and human). Thus, our team focuses research on predictive or vulnerability factors to addictive behaviors, mainly Anorexia Nervosa. We investigate, at a clinical level the specificities of genetic, epigenetic, metabolic, neurocognitive and blood markers of this disease, and at a preclinical level, using mouse models, look for specific metabolic traits and behavioral activities, while inducing changes of environmental, genetic or drug-exposures. Our objectives are to define vulnerability factors, understand the pathophysiological mechanisms and to identify prognostic factors and treatments to a better care. Our main goal is to identify biomarkers of diagnosis and prognosis of addictions.

Address :
INSERM U1266, 102-108 rue de la santé, 75014, Paris

Team leader :
Nicolas Ramoz
Name of co-team leader :
Philip Gorwood
Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Addiction #Anorexie #Mentale #Biologime #Moléculaire #Neurophysiologie #Pharmacogénétique #Addiction #Anorexia #Nervosa #Molecular #biology #Neurophysiology #Pharmacogenetics
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