Network Dynamics and Computations


Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Team research topics:

The Network Dynamics and Computations team develops mathematical models to understand how the millions of neurons in the brain cooperate to perform computations that underlie behavior and cognition.We use algorithms developed in artificial intelligence to train models of neural networks to perform the same cognitive tasks as animals and humans. We then treat these artificial networks as model systems that we can analyze to understand how interactions between individual neurons lead to cognitive operations. This approach allows us to identify general theoretical principles, as well as develop analysis pipelines that we can apply to neural activity recorded in behaving animals.


Main techniques used :

Computational modeling using recurrent neural networks; Mathematical analyses inspired by statistical physics; Analysis of neuro-physiological recordings using high-dimensional statistical methods (decoding, dimensionality reduction, geometric studies).

Address :
29 rue d'Ulm, 75005, PARIS

Team leader :
Srdjan Ostojic
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :
Marine Magne

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Réseaux #neurones #récurrents #Dynamique #cognitive #Analyses #populationnelles #Recurrent #neural #networks #Cognitive #dynamics #Populational #analyses
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