PhD Program International DIM C-BRAINS

As part of its efforts to promote research in the Paris region on an international level, C-BRAINS has set itself the major objective of training a new generation of researchers in neuroscience and cognition.

This international doctoral program is aimed exclusively at students currently enrolled in a master's and internship program outside France, who would like to pursue a thesis in the scientific and regional area covered by the DIM C-BRAINS.

In addition to remuneration over 3 years, this competitive regional program offers a scientific bonus, as well as assistance in setting up in the Paris region, supported by the FNP.

Once again this year, the program will be run in conjunction with the Institut du Cerveau and the Fondation des Neurosciences de Paris

  • November 14, 2024 - January 30, 2025:  Student applications
  • February 17, 2025 - March 21, 2025: Selection of candidates by researchers
  • May 7, 2025: Pre-selection jury
  • June 4 to 6, 2025: Audition of pre-selected candidates

the process of the C-BRAINS international PhD program.

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PhD Program international, Édition 2024-2025

List of thesis topics (1 Overall)

List of thesis topics

ETIS lab, CY Cergy Paris Université | NEUROCYBERNETICS
Thesis Director : Lola Cañamero
Subject title : Stress-Based Modulation of Hippocampal Replay-Inspired Techniques in Reinforcement Learning
Acronym : SMaRT-RL
Key words : Stress modelling, Reinforcement learning, Hippocampal replay, Computational modeling, Cognitive and affective neuroscience
Summary of the thesis :
Animals and humans process vast amounts of information but retain only the most relevant experiences, with emotions playing a key role in memory consolidation. Emotions, particularly stress, enhancing attention and arousal, influence brain regions like the hippocampus. In neuroscience, it is known that hippocampal reactivations help recall and consolidate experiences. In artificial intelligence (AI), strategies inspired by these reactivations, especially in reinforcement learning, have been shown to accelerate learning. When it comes to emotionally charged circumstances, the relationship between stress, its most prominent hormone, cortisol, and memory functions in the hippocampus, is complex. This project aims to explore the link between stress and hippocampal reactivations via a computational model, and test it in artificial agents. This bio-inspired approach could (a) reveal new insights into the generation of hippocampal replay mechanisms and (b) improve AI's learning efficiency.
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Project thesis :
Most animals and humans encounter an immense amount of information and experiences throughout their lives, yet they manage to retain and recall only the most relevant, or a partial, but meaningful representation of them. Not everything experienced is stored in long-term memory; emotions play a key role in this memory consolidation process [Bower (1983) Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London. B, Bio. Sci. 302.1110:387-402]. Emotions strongly influence cognitive processes, by enhancing our level of arousal and attentional resources, modulating the activity of brain regions such as the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the hippocampus [Tyng et al., (2017) Front. Psychol]. Since the work of Scoville and Milner [(1957) Journ. Neurosc. 9.8:2907-2918], the role of the hippocampus as a cognitive mapping center has been studied in neuroscience, particularly through neurophysiological studies on spatial tasks in rodents. This research highlighted the fact that certain patterns of sequential activation of hippocampal neurons, observed during task execution, are then replayed during sleep or periods of calm wakefulness in the animal. These activities have been called hippocampal reactivations and are recognized as a powerful mechanism used, particularly by place cells, to recall, organize, and consolidate past experiences and infer future ones.
From an artificial intelligence (AI) perspective, it is also known that offline replay and updating of values associated with an agent’s actions can accelerate learning after a small number of real interactions with rewarding or punishing events (for example, Lin [(1992) Mach. Learn. 8-293-321]). The great interest in implementing computational strategies inspired by hippocampal reactivations in AI lies in tasks where past experiences and acquired knowledge must be re-evaluated and refined to perform better in future decision-making steps. This is the case with reinforcement learning (RL) paradigms [Sutton and Barto (2018) MIT press], where initially, when no prior knowledge is usually available, the best strategy is to interact with an environment through trial and error, and only when the level of experience increases the agent can exploit its previous knowledge to reach a sequence of actions approaching optimal behavior. In mammals and rodents, this consolidation of knowledge does not depend solely on the animal performing the same actions in the same situations: memories, particularly targeted recalls of experiences, are fundamental for effective learning from a small set of accumulated real experiences. Since the first RL algorithms which exploit strategies inspired by hippocampal reactivations [Sutton (1990) Mach. learn. proceed.], several researchers have proposed RL-based computational models inspired by these neuroscientific findings that are capable of reproducing the major experimental results regarding the quantity and type of reactivations generated [Khamassi and Girard (2020) Bio. Cybern. 114.2:231-248].
One of the major forces that impact the emotional state is stress, induced by the interaction between the animal, other animals, and the environment, both perceived through the animal’s senses. The influences from an external stressful environment and positive social interactions have been recently modeled by Khan and Cañamero [(2022) Front. Rob. AI 9] as the interaction between two hormones, cortisol and oxytocin, and their homeostatic balance. Concerning the role of emotional states related to stress and cortisol, Cañamero’s research has for example modeled their influence on learning and adaptation [Hiolle, Lewis and Cañamero (2014) Front. Neurorob. 8], behavior development [Lones, Lewis and Cañamero (2017) IEEE Trans. Cogn. Devel. Sys. 10.2-445-454], pain perception [L’Haridon and Cañamero (2023) ACII] and the appearance of compulsive behavior in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Lewis, Canamero and Fineberg (2019) Comp. Psych.; Lewis and Canamero (2019) ACII]. Regarding the role of anxiety and stress on the hippocampus memory mechanisms, many key issues still need to be investigated: it has been known from various animal and human studies that stress impairs many memory functions at the level of the hippocampus [Kim, Pellman, and Kim (2015) Learn. Mem. 22.9:411-416] but, recently, Sherman et al. [(2023) Journ. Neurosc. 43.43:7198-7212] found that cortisol could also enhance the hippocampal associative memory functions.
The thesis project aim at a better understanding of the relationship between stress and the generation of hippocampal reactivations by means of a computational model that could be systematically tested in simulation or eventually on a real robot. This will bring the great advantage of testing functional hypotheses we have about the relationship between stress and hippocampal replay, with our computational model, in a very controlled experimental set-up, when we could repetitively simulate different emotional profiles and sensitivities on our agents. An additional point to this research will be to observe and analyzed the proposed model embodied on a robotic platform with the aim to look systematically at what are the effects of such a model in a very controlled context that still present elements of stochasticity and unpredictability that make a robot interacting with the real world a step closer to animal experiments, compared to pure simulations.
As analyzed in Massi et al. [Front.Neurorob. 16], the adoption of RL techniques inspired by hippocampal reactivations for AI has just begun. After validating a strategy that combines offline reactivations generation through a model-based agent with reactivations generated by a model-free method, the question remains of how to optimize the timing of this offline reactivation generation and its quantity. So, the proposed project aims to link the generation of offline reactivations to the internal emotional state of an agent. The idea is that, by following the concept of homeostasis and the regulation of key emotion-related hormones, such as oxytocin and cortisol [Avila-Garcia and Cañamero (2004) SAB], in a learning task, the agent will change its internal emotional state in relation to (a) its performance in task completion (e.g., in a spatial navigation task, effectively avoiding punishments to quickly reach a reward state), (b) egocentric external stimuli (e.g., in a spatial navigation task, proximity to walls or other agents approaching), and (c) a combination of the above two elements. This emotional internal state will allow the agent to trigger reactivations during moments of intense stress, for example, and not at just any moment in the task, where they may prove unnecessary. With this bio-inspired approach to AI, we will test and validate optimal strategies for offline reactivation generation within RL algorithms, with the aim of improving and accelerating artificial learning and disclose new possible driving mechanisms for hippocampal reactivations in neuroscience.
So far, in RL, many strategies inspired by neuroscientific evidence on the hippocampus have been proposed and tested to have a spontaneous and optimal generation of different types of replay-like activities [Mattar and Daw (2018) Nat. Neuro. 21.11:1609-1617; Diekmann and Cheng (2023) ELife 12]. Still a model that bases the generation of such reactivations on emotions and more specifically on the internal emotional state of an agent is lacking. That’s why the proposed project aims to theorize and test such a model which could spontaneously enable the generation of RL-based replay to improve memory consolidation and learning processing over different tasks and help shedding light on our understanding on the functional relationship between emotional states (stress in particular) and hippocampal replay. This research objective can be accomplished also thanks to the validation of our results against experimental behavioural data from rodents that could be provided by our collaborators.
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