Thesis topic :
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Leveraging Synaptic and Structural-Network Properties for Memory Formation in the Hippocampus with Spiking Neural Models
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Comma separated keywords :
spiking-neural-networks, synaptic-structural-plasticity, neuromodulation, memory formation, memory retrieval, hippocampus, emotions
Team presentation :
Institute or center :
ETIS lab, CY Cergy Paris Université
Team (Others) :
Team leader :
Nistor Grozavu (Director of ETIS) Alexandre Pitti (Coordinator of Neurocybernetics team)
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+33134256633, +33134257541
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CY Cergy Paris Université
Direction de la Recherche, Jardin Tropical 33 Blvd du Port 95011 Cergy Pontoise
Nom et prénom du Gestionnaire administratif :
Le Bonder Danielle
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01 34 25 23 85
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Thesis supervision :
Full name of the thesis director :
Athanasios (Thanos) MANOS
Status of the thesis director :
Associate Professor
Date obtained or expected date of HDR + Comment if necessary :
Number of doctoral students currently supervised by the thesis director + planned defence date :
4 (01.03.2025, taux d’encadrement: 70%, 01.10.2027, taux d’encadrement: 50%, 01.10.2027, taux d’encadrement: 30%, 01.10.2027, taux d’encadrement: 30%)
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Affiliated doctoral school of the team leader :
STIC (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - ED EM2PSI
University :
CY Cergy Paris Université
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Thesis topic :
Summary of thesis topic (1000 characters) :
The human brain is a complex, self-organizing system where neurons transmit information via ion channels and communicate through synapses. Mathematical models have helped researchers explore how local population dynamics and brain network topology influence overall brain activity and synaptic/structural neuroplasticity as well as the brain’s ability to reorganize in response to various stimuli. This research aims to create a large-scale spiking neural network (SNN) model to investigate mechanisms of memory formation, storage, and retrieval, focusing on the hippocampus. Using a Hodgkin-Huxley-based model, the study will explore dopamine's effects on synaptic plasticity and test various connectivity patterns to find optimal configurations for memory processes. Additionally, the project will computationally assess the impact of emotional states on the excitation-inhibition balance in hippocampal circuits, aiming to enhance our understanding of neural mechanisms underlying memory.
Full thesis subject (8000 characters) :
The human brain is a complex, self-organizing system. Researchers aim to understand its core principles to improve brain models, explore disease neurobiology, and develop treatments. Neurons, the brain's basic units, transmit information via voltage-gated ion channels and communicate through chemical and electrical synapses. Neuronal networks generate brain functions such as perception, thought, and memory. Pathological activity patterns, linked to disorders like epilepsy and migraines, often result from genetic mutations affecting ion channels and synaptic function. [Russell et al. (2013) Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 36:25]. Neuronal activity in individual nodes is typically modelled by a system of ordinary differential equations. Such types of mathematical models provide a theoretical framework for investigating the impact of the localized population dynamics combined with the complex topology of the brain network on the overall brain activity [Deco et al. (2008) PLoS Comput Biol 4:e1000092; Sanz-Leon et al. (2015) NeuroImage 111:385) and its dynamics [Popovych et al. (2021) NeuroImage 236:118201; Manos et al. (2023) Front. Comput. Neurosci. 17:295395; Courson et al. (2024) Front. Comput. Neurosci. 18:1360009].
Neuroplasticity, also known as neural or brain plasticity, refers to the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize in response to factors such as learning, environmental changes, practice, or stress [Voss et al. (2017) Front. Psychol. 8:1657]. This adaptability occurs through both synaptic plasticity, where neurons modify synaptic transmission, and structural plasticity, involving the formation or retraction of neural connections and changes in cell morphology [Kehayas & Holtmaat (2017) The Rewiring Brain 3-26]. In [Manos et al. (2021) Front. Physiol. 12:716556] the authors computationally explored long-term changes in structural plasticity triggered by external stimulation to optimize stimulation dosage while in [Anil et al. (2023) PLoS Comput. Biol. 19:e1011027] the authors simulated a recurrent neural network with homeostatic structural plasticity, revealing its importance in stimulation protocols.
Recent studies have underscored the hippocampus's susceptibility to neuroplastic changes in neurodegenerative diseases, impacting cognitive and emotional functions [Weerasinghe et al. (2022) Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:3349]. Synaptic structural alterations, crucial for learning and memory, have been observed under high-resolution time-lapse imaging [Ma and Ta (2022) Semin. Cell Biol. 125:84]. In the prefrontal cortex, spiking activity patterns supporting cognitive tasks like working memory can be learned and replayed using biologically realistic plasticity rules [Sarazin et al. (2021) Front Neural Circuits 15:648538]. Models of hippocampal circuits, including CA1, CA3, and DG regions, provide insights into long-term memory mechanisms [Chua and Tan (2017) AAAI Tech. Rep. SS-17-07]. Additionally, silent cell assemblies contribute to memory persistence, influenced by neuromodulation that balances synaptic connectivity [Gallinaro et al. (2021) PLoS Comput. Biol. 17:e1009593; Fuchsberger & Paulsen (2022) Curr. Opin. Neurol. 75:102558; Tesler et al. (2024) Front Comput Neurosci. 18, 1432593].
The hippocampus has been recognised as a predominant brain structure for the consolidation of new information from short-term to long-term memory [O’Keefe and Dostrovsky (1971) Brain Res. 34:171]. Many studies have been conducted since, given the increasing evidence of the importance of hippocampal cell units for self-localisation and information recall. The current consensus is that the hippocampus displays a particular activity pattern, called sharp wave ripples (SWR), at a frequency of 150-200 Hz, which is temporally compressed with respect to the timescale of the neural activity happening during the real spatial experience, and thus enhances spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) [Dan and Poo (2004) Neuron 44:23]. Hippocampal SWR could encode temporally structured spatial patterns and drive the initial storage and the later retrieval of relevant experience [Pfeiffer (2020) Hipp. 30:6]. Models of memory formation, consolidation, and retrieval have been proposed at different levels of brain abstraction, from decision-making [Cazé et al. (2018) Journ. Neurophys. 120:2877] to spiking neural networks (SNN) [Tan et al. (2013) IEEE CIS], tested on artificial agents [Massi et al. (2022) Front. Neurorob. 16: 864380] and compared to animals’ neural recordings [Mattar and Daw (2018) Nat Neurosci. 21:1609]. Exogenous stimuli and the subsequent emotions play an important role in this, by modulating the activity of brain areas such as the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus [Tyng et al. (2017) Front.Psychol. 8:1454]. In animal and human behavior, the two most studied conditioning stimuli concern sustenance and survival and they can be of opposite emotional strength, with two different neural circuits involved in the process [Yacubian et al. (2006) J Neurosci 26:9530].
From a decision-making and reinforcement learning (RL) perspective, the question was addressed recently in [Bryzgalov, Massi, et al., in preparation], and preliminary results show that higher learning rate and more intense replay activity are needed while learning to avoid than learning to approach. Brain circuits for encoding aversive and appetitive stimuli can be considered as orthogonal in the brain [Tye (2018) Neuron 100:436], but the same neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, could be implied in the learning process. In fact, the release of dopamine is linked to unexpected reward signals during learning, but it is shown that it can be linked to unexpected punishment too [Sands et al. (2023) Sci. Adv. 9:eadi4927]. Dopamine but also other neurotransmitters, has been proved to enhance synaptic consolidation and recall, but the precise dynamics of this mechanism have just started to be investigated [Lehr et al. (2022) Sci. Rep. 12.1:17772]. The dopaminergic influence in a SNN model of the striatum has been modeled for RL tasks [González-Redondo et al. (2023) Neurocomp. 548:126377] and, it has also been implemented as the joint action of short-latency excitation and long-latency inhibition for the modulation of both STDP and neuronal excitability [Chorley and Anil (2011) Front.Comp.Neuro. 5:21]. Finally, [Bono et al. (2023) Elife, 12:e80671] have used a mechanism inspired by hippocampal replay to learn successor representations and cognitive maps in a SNN.
The Research Objectives (ROs) of this proposal can be summarized as follows:
- RO1: Large scale SNN setup and implementation of synaptic/structural plasticity rules and neuromodulation features: Theoretical and computational understanding of the relevant combined relevant mechanisms for memory formation, storage and retrieval.
- RO2: Study the effects in the neural excitation-inhibition balance of positive and negative delivered emotional states in the hippocampus large scale SNN.
We will use a Hodgkin-Huxley-based spiking neuron model that supports a wide range of firing patterns, including tonic spiking, bursting, and seizure-like events [Bandyopadhyay et al. (2021) J. Comput. Neurosci. 50:33]. Such a SNN model allows us to implement and investigate dopamine effects via voltage-gated calcium and potassium channels while will allow us to design large neural networks to explore various structural and synaptic connectivity patterns, aiming to identify configurations that favor memory formation and retrieval. More details can be found in the “Feasibility of the project in 3 years - Specify the steps” section.
In summary, this research proposal will allow us to build a large-scale SNN to (i) explore different mechanisms associated with optimal memory storage and retrieval and (ii) computationally investigate the role of neural excitation-inhibition balance in these processes when positive and negative emotional states are delivered in the hippocampus.
Expected involvement of the student in this subject and expected skills :
The PhD researcher will contribute on the computational deliverables, namely the implementation of the new models in NEST [Gewaltig & M. Diesmann (2007) Scholarpedia, 2:1430], their fine tuning for our simulations with L2L [Subramoney et al. (2019) 10.5281/zenodo.2590760], performing the simulations and the preliminary analysis of the findings alongside with the supervisors.
The PhD researcher should have a good background in mathematical neural modeling and computational neuroscience. Excellent knowledge in Python, Matlab. A good knowledge in C++ and/or past experience in using large computing clusters, along with a good understanding and use of classical statistical analyses techniques, will be also appreciated. The PhD candidate should also be fluent in English (oral and writing).
Feasibility of the project in 3 years - Specify the steps :
The anticipated duration of this project is 3 years (36 months). The preferred starting date is October 1st, 2025. In view of the research objectives described in the proposal, we have distributed the work among 2 packages (WPs) with detailed steps.
WP1: Model specification and implementation. The goal of this WP is to design and implement the model and different synaptic rules in NEST. The first step in this WP is to specify network structures with biophysically realistic connectivity patterns (using NEST and L2L). In the second step, we will implement it to test different synaptic rules, neuromodulation and benchmark baseline dynamical activity and memory storage effects. Overall, WP1 will allow us to have a better theoretical and computational understanding of the relevant combined mechanisms associated with the following WP.
WP2: Study the effects in the neural excitation-inhibition balance of positive and negative delivered emotional states in the hippocampus large scale SNN. We will leverage the insight gained from WP1, i.e. the contribution of brain circuitries and associated properties in the memory formation and recall in a SNN model of the hippocampus. In the first step, we will perform preliminary simulations to choose relevant structural network properties, synaptic plasticity mechanisms and neuromodulation approaches tailored for more realistic experiments relevant to alter memories. In the second step, we will focus on the study of the effects in the neural excitation-inhibition balance of positive and negative delivered emotional states in the hippocampus large scale network. This approach will help us to shed light on the impact of opposite emotional states on the hippocampal network dynamics and plasticity, in particular on the strength of the consolidation and the persistence of a memory trace.
Below we provide expected due dates for milestones and deliverables:
Milestone / Deliverable - Month in Project
M1 Model integrated with synaptic, structural plasticity and neuromodulation - Month 15
M2 Simulations and analysis - Month 22
D1 1st article: Publication in network structure, plasticity and memory with SNN - Month 24
M3 Simulations and analysis - Month 31
D2 2nd article: Publication in the emotional influences in memory formation - Month 33
D3 PhD Thesis defense - Month 36
We plan to use the NEST simulator [Gewaltig & Diesmann (2007) Scholarpedia 2:1430], an open-source platform optimized for High Performance Computing clusters and supports different types of neural models and plasticity. These simulations can be conducted at the European Brain Research INfrastructureS (EBRAINS), an open platform promoting reproducible research by providing access to models, data, and tools. Given the model’s large number of parameters and connectivity configurations, we will also use the Learning to Learn (L2L) framework [Subramoney et al. (2019) 10.5281/zenodo.2590760]. L2L leverages high-performance computing to accelerate parameter exploration and will help us study the effects of various stimuli while keeping the model within a realistic operational regime and assessing their impact on memory formation.
Both supervisors are experts in the respective research field which supports the feasibility and success of the project within the estimated time period.
Supervisors’ short bio and expertise
Principal Supervisor - Associate Prof. Thanos Manos (TM), ETIS, CY Cergy Paris University: TM has expertise on dynamics of neural systems (mainly SNN) evolved under the influence of synaptic and structural plasticity, synchronization phenomena and neuromodulation with applications in medical treatments of neurological diseases. Additionally, his work involves integrating neuroimaging data into models of whole brain dynamics. TM has also worked with neural open-source platforms (NEST, The Virtual Brain, Arbor) developed for optimized performance on HPC infrastructure relevant to this project.
Co-supervisor - Assistant Prof. Elisa Massi (EM), ETIS, CY Cergy Paris University: EM has expertise in reinforcement learning and computational modeling of behavior, decision-making, and learning, in particular in spatial navigation scenarios. Her previous work focused on studying and modeling the interactions and functional principles of different areas of the nervous system (i.e. cerebellum, hippocampus) to better control simulated artificial agents and robots. Relevantly to this project, she is currently working on fitting her proposed computational model on behavioral data from rodents performing spatial tasks with positive and negative conditioning, to predict the contribution on hippocampal replay in the learning process and resulting behavior.
Support lab team: ETIS lab (CYU) is a research laboratory that combines multidisciplinary expertise in theoretical and applied computer science, neuroscience, cognitive science, machine learning, and robotics. Prof. M. Quoy is also a Lab team member who specializes in computational neuroscience, neural network dynamics, and synaptic plasticity and who could potentially participate in this project with his expertise. ETIS lab has a powerful computer cluster which consists of 62 servers with 1230 cores (CPU) + 10 GPU in total while all major general and scientific software are available with on-site licenses for members of the lab. CY Cergy Paris University has also an additional computing cluster (Osaka) with 2292 cores and 20.3 To RAM, for a total computing power of 56.5 TFLOPS (double precision) plus 2 GPU Nvidia Tesla V100. Furthermore, Dr. Manos also has access and computing time in European Supercomputing Center JUWELS and JUSUF clusters of the Forschungszentrum Jülich with on-going computing research grants.