[SAVE THE DATE] Call for Scientific Events - Closing date 26 January 2024

Date de clôture : 26 janvier 2024

The : 26/01/2024

For the second year, the DIM C-BRAINS is participating in the funding of Scientific Events (SE) in Île-de-France aimed at researchers and/or the general public in the field of neuroscience and cognitive science, and more specifically in its priority themes.

This Call for Scientific Events will be open from 1 December 2023 to 26 January 2024.

Applications will be submitted online via the DIM C-BRAINS platform.

You can find all the information about this Call for Proposals on the DIM C-BRAINS website, under Current Calls for Proposals.

If you have any questions, please contact contact@dim-cbrains.fr

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