[Job offer] 2 engineers (IE & IR) for the"Brain Functional Genomic Project"

Institut du Cerveau

The : 15/04/2024
Place Institut du Cerveau

Recent advances in genomics techniques have highlighted the association between a large number of mutated genes and the development of neurological disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's and depression. However, the functional link between these genes and diseases remains to be explored.

As part of the Brain Functional genomics project, the Paris Brain Institute is recruiting a BFGP study engineer. The candidate will participate in the creation of a CRISPRi library and its validation. He/she will provide support for other project activities. This position offers an exciting scientific working environment and the opportunity to acquire new skills. For more information, click here.

As part of the Brain Functional genomics project, the Paris Brain Institute is also recruiting a research engineer. The candidate will be responsible for creating and characterising CRISPRi iPSCs. The main objective of the person recruited for this study will be to develop the tools and protocols to establish a robust platform for functional analysis in human iPSCs. For more information, click here.

Positions to be filled in April 2024.

Please send your CV to recrutement@icm-institute.org, specifying the job title.

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