PIRoS : Perception, Interaction, Robotique Sociale


Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Methodologies from human-computer interaction, machine learning, signal processing, computer vision, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry.

The PIRoS team conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of Social Perception, Social Interaction and Social Robotics. The research is based on methodologies of human-computer interaction, machine learning, signal processing and computer vision, but also on psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science and psychiatry.

The fields of application are those that require the automatic analysis of humans or the interaction between a human and a machine: health, well-being, education and industry.

Address :
Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique Sorbonne Université – Campus Pierre et Marie Curie Pyramide - 4, place Jussieu 75005 Paris – France

Team leader :
Malika Auvray
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
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