Development of the Spinal Cord Organization (DSCO)

IBPS Neuroscience

Axe 1 : Génomique, cellules humaines, reprogrammation et neuro-organoïdes

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Patch-clamp electrophysiology, Calcium Imaging, Optogenetics, Transgenic mouse models

Team research topics:

The DSCO team scientific projects are focused along a single unifying theme: Elucidating the mechanism(s) and role(s) of functional interactions between neurons and glial cells during the development of the vertebrate nervous system, using the mouse spinal cord as our main model of study.

More specifically our project aims at:

  1. understanding how electrical signals are generated and patterned by neurons and glial cells during development,
  2. determining how electrical activity influence neuronal and glial development and
  3. define how neuro-glial interactions participate to generate rhythmic electrical activity.

To address these questions, our team has developed state-of-the-art neurophysiological approaches and various transgenic models in order to record (patch-clamp recordings, calcium imaging) and manipulate (pharmacology, optogenetics) the electrical activity of specific sub-populations of neurons and glial cells in the developing mouse spinal cord.

Main techniques used:

Patch-clamp electrophysiology, Calcium imaging, Optogenetics, Transgenic mouse models

Address :
Cassan, Bat. A, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 7-9 quai Saint Bernard 75005 Paris

Team leader :
Jean-Marie Mangin
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Spinalcord #NeuroglialInteractions #Development #Neuralstem #cells
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