Synaptic and Network Plasticity

IBPS - Neuro-SU

Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Mechanisms underlying social and appetitive memory

The hippocampus is a brain region that is critical for memory and learning. Our research is focused on the mechanisms underlying social and appetitive memory. Our research focuses on the long-ignored hippocampal area CA2. We use a combination of techniques to investigate how experience alter the physiology and plasticity and determine the consequences of these changes on memory function under normal conditions and during disease.

Main technical: Electrophysiology, imaging, immunohistochemistry, modelling, behavior

Major publications

Titre  Sequential Inhibitory Plasiticities in Hippocampal Area CA2 and Social Memory Formation. Auteurs  Loisy M, Bouisset G, Lopez S, Muller M, Spitsyn A, Duval J, Piskorowski RA, Verret L, Chevaleyre V.Journal Neuron Année  2022 Pages Sep 7;110(17):2854-2866.e4. Pubmed ID 35858622

Titre  Local circuit allowing hypothalamic control of hippocampal area CA2 activity and consequences for CA1.Auteurs  Robert V, Therreau L, Chevaleyre V, Lepicard E, Viollet C, Cognet J, Huang AJY, Boehringer R, Polygalov D, McHugh T, Piskorowski RA.Journal eLifeAnnée 2021 Pages 10:e63352 Pubmed ID 34003113

Titre  A Hypthalamic Novelty Signal Modulates Hippocampal Memory. Auteurs  Chen S, He L, Huang AJ, Boehringer R, Robert V, Wintzer M, Polygalov D, Weitemier AZ, Tao Y, Gu M1, Middleton SJ, Namiki K, Hama H, Therreau L, Chevaleyre V, Hioki H, Miyawaki A, Piskorowski RA, McHugh TJ.Journal Nature Année  2020 Pages 586, 270-274 Pubmed ID 32999460

Titre  The Mechanisms Shaping CA2 Pyramidal Neuron Action Potential Bursting Induced by Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Activation. Auteurs  Robert V, Ludivine T, Davatolhagh MF, Bernardo-Garcia FJ, Clements KN, Chevaleyre V, Piskorowski RA. Journal Journal of General Physiology Année  2020 Pages 152(4) Pubmed ID 32069351

Titre  Environmental enrichment and social isolation modulate inhibitory transmission and plasticity in hippocampal area CA2. Auteurs Loisy M, Farah, A, Fafouri, A, Fanton A, Ahmadi M, Therreau L, Chevaleyre V and Piskorowski RA.Journal Hippocampus Année 2023  Pages Mar;33(3):197-207. Pubmed ID 36374115

Address :
Cassan, Bat. A, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 7-9 quai Saint Bernard 75005 Paris

Team leader :
Rebecca Piskorowski
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Memoire #hippocampe #comportement social #neuropeptides #plasticité synaptique #Memory# hippocampus# social behavior# neuropeptides# synaptic plasticity
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