IBPS Neuroscience

Axe 1 : Génomique, cellules humaines, reprogrammation et neuro-organoïdes

Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition
Team research theme:
Reproductive success, mandatory for species survival, relies on a tight cross-talk between the brain and periphery. At the neural level, sex steroids exert organizational effects during development and activational ones in adulthood. These effects and the resulting sexual dimorphisms are known, but the underlying neural mechanisms still need to be investigated. Furthermore, the presence in the environment of pollutants able to interfere with these signaling pathways raises questions about their potential effects on reproductive health. Reproductive dysfunction and infertility are major concerns of the 21st century and represent a great public health challenge.
Our projects aim to:
• Study the neural mechanisms of androgens and estrogens in the regulation of male and female behaviors.
• Characterize the behavioral and neuroendocrine effects of environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors in males and females.
Main techniques and approaches used :
We use in vivo (mice) and in vitro (neurons generated from hiPSC) models and multiple approaches (behavioral tests, neuroendocrine, neuroanatomical, molecular and omic analyses). Our goal is to identify biomarkers for i) the neural control of reproduction by sex steroids, and ii) exposure to endocrine disruptors, which can be used in risk assessment for human health.
Cassan, Bat. A, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 7-9 quai Saint Bernard 75005 Paris
Team leader :
Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja
Name of co-team leader :
Administrative Contact Name :
Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #comportement #reproduction #stéroïdes #sexuels #perturbateurs #endocriniens #environnement #behavior #steriods #endocrine #disruptors #environment