Aging in Vision and Action


Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

All our cross-sectional & longitudinal studies rely on the SilverSight follow-up cohort initiated in 2015: Axis 1. Behavior in naturalistic conditions (Streetlab; railway station; VR) & neuroimaging (fMRI, ambulatory EEG); Axis 2. Coupled high-resolution

Team research topics:

The overall objective of the team is to characterize how visual aging shapes both sensory and cognitive functions, by consequently hindering older adults’ autonomy in their everyday life. Our backbone hypothesis challenges the traditional view that age-related behavioral deficits are primarily attributable to high-order associative dysfunctions. We are testing the alternative view that sensory processing alterations can play a key role in the evolution of cognition and autonomy across the lifespan.

Our research is structured across three main axes:

Axis 1. Spatial behavior and its neural correlates across healthy aging in humans & mice

Axis 2. Functional biomarkers of pathological visual aging and clinical endpoints for low-vision

therapeutic interventions (translational applications)

Axis 3. Mathematical and machine learning models of visuo-cognitive aging.


Main techniques used:

All our cross-sectional & longitudinal studies rely on the SilverSight follow-up cohort initiated in 2015:

Axis 1. Behavior in naturalistic conditions (Streetlab; railway station; VR) & neuroimaging (fMRI, ambulatory EEG);

Axis 2. Coupled high-resolution retina imaging & cellular-level psychophysics.

Axis 3. Multivariate analyses of cohort data & ML-based tools combined with digital-twinapproaches.

Address :
17 Rue Moreau, 75012, Paris

Team leader :
Angelo Arleo
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Vieillissement #visuel #sain #et #pathologique #Études #transversales #et #longitudinales #Cognition #visuo-#spatiale #Mobilité #et #perte #d'#autonomie #Diagnostic #précoce #DMLA #Healthy #pathological #visual #aging #Cross-sectional #longitudinal #cohort #analyses #Visuo-spatial #cognition #Mobility #and #autonomy #loss #AMD #early #diagnosis
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