Pleiotropy of morphogens


Axe 1 : Génomique, cellules humaines, reprogrammation et neuro-organoïdes

In vitro primary cell cultures of cortical progenitors and neurons; Microfluidic chambers; In utero electroporation; 3D imaging of embryo; Molecular Biology

Our recently established research group is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the multiple roles of morphogens in developing the nervous system. Our laboratory is part of the Institut du Fer à Moulin. Our research center is affiliated with the INSERM (French National Institute for Medical Research) and the Sorbonne University. During embryonic development, the formation of the brain through the generation, differentiation and precise connection of new neurons is controlled by many molecular factors. Among these factors, extracellular secreted molecules, called morphogens, dictate the shape of the nervous system. During neuronal differentiation, cells change from a proliferative state to acquire cell identity, perform migration, and eventually grow axons and connect to other cell types. Thus, cells must change their responses to their environment to achieve the correct behavior. Our research addresses fundamental questions about how a single (and then multiple) morphogenic signal(s) acts at different stages of neuronal development to induce these different responses. We use the developing mouse and human cerebral cortex as models.

Address :
17 Rue du Fer à Moulin 75005 Paris

Team leader :
Julien Ferent
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Développementneuronal #Morphogénèse #Migrationneuronale #Guidageaxonale #cortex #Neuronaldevelopment #Morphogenesis #Neuronalmigration #Axonalguidance #cortex
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