Perception, Action, Cognition : Development & Plasticity


Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition

Team research theme:

The Perception, Action, Cognitive Development (PACD) team covers topics as diverse as perception, action, concept formation, social cognition, psychiatry, neuropsychology and robotics. Our research populations include mostly infants (from the very first hours following birth, even sometimes from before birth) and children, but also adults, both from typical and atypical populations. We use behavioral (psychophysics, eye-tracking…) and imaging (fMRI) techniques, at the Saint-Pères babylab (2000 infants/year) and in hospitals (Cochin-Port Royal, Bichat, Fondation Ophtalmologique Rothschild, CHU de Rennes). The trans-disciplinary approach of the group generates multiple collaborations between its members. One goal is to understand how cognitive, perceptive, and motor primitives allow the newborn infant to interact with its environment and to show some understanding of physical and social events. We also focus on the processes through which these early capacities change as the infant, children and adults interact with their environment. In addition, we collaborate with developmental roboticists to model human infants’ early development of the notions of body, object and tool.

Main techniques and approaches used

We use behavioral techniques (e.g. observation, psychophysics, eye-tracking, etc.) and imaging techniques (e.g. fMRI, electrophysiology) on human subjects.

Address :
INCC – UMR 8002 45 Rue des Saint-Pères 75006 Paris

Team leader :
Sylvie Chokron
Name of co-team leader :
Louise Kirsch
Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Perception #Action #Cognition #Développement #Intégration #Multisensorielle #Development #Multisensory #Integration
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