Computational Neuroscience


Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Computational analysis or experimental data (clustering, functional connectivity, micro-states) ; multiscale computational modeling (neural networks, mean-field models, large scale models of cerebral regions or whole-brain models).

Study of brain states, wake-sleep cycle, anesthesia, pathological states. We combine techniques of computational analysis or experimental data (clustering, functional connectivity, micro-states) with multiscale computational modeling (neural networks, mean-field, large scale models of cerebral regions or whole-brain models). A particular attention is devoted to understanding the mechanisms of cerebral cortex responses to external stimuli, as a function of brain state, as well as the propagation of information in different brain states, ultimately leading to sensory perception.

Address :
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay (NeuroPSI) Université Paris-Saclay / CNRS Centre CEA Paris-Saclay - Bât. 151 91400 Saclay, France

Team leader :
Alain Destexhe
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Etats #cérébraux #analyse #computationelle #neurosciences #computationnelles #modélisation #réseaux #neuronaux #modèles #champ #moyen #multi-échelle #Brain #states #computational #analysis #computational #neuroscience #modeling #neural #networks #mean-field #models #multi-scale
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