Molecular Neuroendocrinology of Food Intake


Axe 1 : Génomique, cellules humaines, reprogrammation et neuro-organoïdes

Our team studies the mechanisms involved in the onset of the hypothalamic leptin/insulin resistance.

Our team aims to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in the onset of neuroinflammation and insulin resistance in the hypothalamus in response to hormonal treatment (resistin) or inappropriate diet (high fat diet), and the potential repercussion on energy homeostasis control. For this purpose, we focus on two objectives:

  • Identify key signaling pathways involved in the onset of hypothalamic inflammation and insulin-resistance, with a special focus on the role of resistin (an adipokine) in linking neuroinflammation to insulin resistance and the potential lipotoxicity through the accumulation of ceramides.
  • Understand how inappropriate endocrine and metabolic environments during early life durably impair hypothalamic neuronal organization and leptin/insulin signaling, and whether these dysfunctions may be attributed to changes of hypothalamic microRNA expression patterns.

To achieve our objectives, we will combine several approaches covering from molecular to more integrated techniques using cellular and animal models.

Address :
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay (NeuroPSI) Université Paris-Saclay / CNRS Centre CEA Paris-Saclay - Bât. 151 91400 Saclay, France

Team leader :
Mohammed Taouis
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : #Neuroinflammation #hypothalamus #microARNs #signalisation #Neuroinflammation #hypothalamus #microRNAs #signaling
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