Language and its acquisition


Axe 2 : Approches quantitatives à l'exploration du comportement et de la cognition

Axe 3 : Réseaux neuronaux, modélisation et intelligence artificielle

Team research topics:

Language is a striking example of human competence. In the projects grouped together in this team, we study each of these levels: how are they implemented in the adult system, and how can this system be acquired by children? The interfaces between different levels are a source of scientific interaction and shared inspiration. We might ask how the following elements constrain and complement each other: phonology and lexicon, lexicon and syntax, syntax and semantics, semantics and other cognitive abilities (such as theory of mind or general reasoning skills).

Given these interdependencies, our aim is to propose models of (sub-parts of) this system that take into account the way its various components are organized in the propose solutions to bootstrapping problems that emerge at the acquisition level due to the interdependence between these levels (how can we acquire A and B if A depends on B and vice-versa?). From a methodological point of view, understanding natural languages and their use requires more than one method and more than one type of data. We employ a triple research strategy, integrating expertise in formal linguistics,experimental psychology (including imaging studies) and computational modeling.


Main techniques used:

Formal modeling, adult and child psycholinguistics (linguistic judgments and response times, self-paced reading, eye-tracking, etc.)

Address :
29 rue d’Ulm, 75005, Paris

Team leader :
Emmanuel Chemla
Name of co-team leader :

Administrative Contact Name :

Website : Cliquez ici
Key words : Acquisition et traitement du langage, psycholinguistique, phonologie, syntaxe, sémantique Language processing and acquisition, psycholinguistics, phonology, syntax, semantics
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